Note, we also accept older SD, 4:3 formatted programs, but they must be submitted as mpeg files. It's probably easiest to convert the file you created for your DVD to an acceptable format and upload it.
- No longer than 26 characters
- No spaces
- No symbols except for hyphen - or underscore_
- File must include the run time
- Example of an acceptable file name: Dayinthedirt21-prt1-29_17 (show name, episode number, run time)
Submit Show in 2 Steps
Click to Upload Show to Dropbox
Note that it will take considerable amount of time to upload a file of this max size. The United States is still not a fully fiber nation. You may want to submit a file of that size in person via thumb drive. By submitting online you are agreeing to WKTV's Programming Policies. For a detailed explanation of those policies, please see the AREEMENT section in the form below.
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