Internship Experience Track
Okay, you're in a trade school or university.
Graduation is not far off. You've taken the classes and you have some stuff for your web site or YouTube channel to show potential employers, but your next stop is the real world! Clips from a fellow student's project on your reel just isn't going to make you stand out.
Experience Tracks that you can choose from:

Newsroom Internship
Interning with WKTV Journal gives you a clear opportunity to write, shoot and edit news packages under the direction of our managing editors in the WKTV Journal newsroom. You will also participate in the production of public affairs programming and specials that are produced throughout the year.
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Graphics Coordinator/ Producer
Using the Ross Xpression system in our 35' mobile unit, your internship here will involve acting as Graphics Coordinator for on-air graphics for live and tape delay sporting events. Coordinating and occasionally designing all the graphics that carry information about everything from football players to race car drivers and the biographical and technical information that's included, you'll come away with experience in producing graphics for live television sporting events. To fulfill this Experience Track you will train with staff on smaller shoots and then must act as Graphics Coordinator on two large, live sporting events.
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Producing & Directing Packages
It involves shooting and editing segments about a wide variety of issues; from local government to cooking entertainment to classic cars. It could be boring, it could be exciting, but you're challenge is to make it all professional and interesting. THAT'S what matters. Every intern in this track will write, shoot, direct and edit. Experience Track is ongoing.
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Associate Producing & Directing Event Coverage
WKTV covers a variety of live events throughout the year. We're the trusted provider of national and local sporting event coverage and interns here will at first assist and then gradually assume associate responsibilities of making sure event coverage comes together. From transportation to graphics coordination to managing crew calls to live switching event coverage, over time you'll get experience doing every aspect of event coverage.
Contact WKTVWKTV provides internships on an educational basis only. This means your internship must be a part of your formal education at an accredited university or college and be a credited amount toward your graduation requirements.
My internship at WKTV was fantastic! I was able to get real hands on experience assistant producing for two large, complex television broadcasts. The skills I learned during my internship have helped and continue to help me in my field of producing. If you're serious about working in television production, WKTV is the place to be!
Tyler Wiewiora, GVSU
Additionally, all interns will learn professional techniques for operating cameras, editing techniques using non-linear software, lighting and audio mixing.
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